יום ראשון, 28 באוגוסט 2011

Week 2 (Insertion and Selection Sort, Recursive Iterative, MergeSort QuickSort)

This week's student tasks were surprisingly not as difficult as I expected. I managed to complete the first student tasks in about 10 minutes which was surprising to me. The rest was more or less a review again, but it got me very confident in using Eclipse. The recursive and iterative methods were not a problem. When I arrived to the mergesort activity I was pretty lost. I know how it works yet I can't seem to find the right way to program it, hopefully we could brush over this in class. I am progressing with python, I have done plenty to give me confidence for the in class quizzes. Overall I am doing well, I might just need a little bit of help dealing with the mergesort and quicksorts.

You have probably heard of the group called Folding@Home, created in Stanford. http://folding.stanford.edu/
I heard about this when I was in London and saw a cool 3D visual representation of protein folding on my friends computer. What it does is it runs through a large amount of algorithms and records the data of the outcomes. When  proteins don't fold correctly they can cause different diseases or syndromes.

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