1. Complete steps a through d of the software development process for the Word Guessing Game. You can refer to the Tech-Support-System project of chapter 5 which was used as a model for the idea of the Word Guessing Game. When you have finished, use BlueJ togenerate the interface documentation for each of your classes. Postthe documentation for each class in your blog.
2. With the information provided in chapter 5 you should be able to implement all aspects of this project except the input of text from a text file. Assume that there is a simple way to do this just as there was a simple way to get text from the users terminal in class InputReader. You are not required to implement the classes in this project.
Discuss (in your blog) the possible uses of each of the following classes in the implementation of the project. You can refer to the class documentation at the Duke site for details of the classes.
a. HashMap
b. Random
c. HashSet
d String
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