יום ראשון, 17 באוקטובר 2010

Chapter 4 Test

1. I only found the mistake in the admin class where there was the "index++" missing at the end of the while loop. Without this it cannot move into the next student.

 while (index<seniors.classSize())
        System.out.println(""+ " " + seniors.getStudent(index).getGPA());

2.  After I added the courses I wasn't sure how to find the right method to manipulate a students grade because when I did it did not affect the GPA.

3. It should be Public so that Admin has access to it.

Public double setGPA()
     int classes = 0;
     int marks = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < courseList.size(); i++)
          marks = marks + courseList.get(i).getGrade();
          return marks/classes;

public String toString()
String username = "";
for (Lessons item; CourseList)
username = username+ "," + item.getCourseTitle();

public void doDeansList()
     for(Student person : listOfStudents)
        if (person.getGPA()>=88)

public void printDeansList()
    for(Student person : listOfStudents)
      System.out.print(person.getName() + " has a GPA of " + person.getGPA());

public Student findTopStudent()
   String topStudent = "";
   Student topStudent = listOfStudents.get(0);
   for (int i = 0; i < listOfStudentz.size(); i++)
    if (listOfStudents.get(i).getGPA() > topStudent.getGPA())
    topStudent = listOfStudents.get(i);
    System.out.println("Top Student is "+topStudent.getName()+" with a GPA of "+topStudent.getGPA());

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