יום ראשון, 23 באוקטובר 2011

Long Overdue Stacks

4_1 done
4_2 done
4_3 done
4_4 yes, resolved
4_5 wasn't that hard, done

The recursive sum method helped visualize things, but a little redundant to me.
To create infinite recursion with a positive number, I would have to delete the base case or alter it.

This took a while because of my syntax of ArrayStackList, but i had the logic down pretty quickly

public class StringReverseDemo extends ArrayListStack
    //uses stacks (class ArrayStack) to reverse word. 
    public static String getReverse(String word)
    ArrayListStack stack1=new ArrayListStack();
    String result = "";
    for (int i=0;i<word.length();i++){
    stack1.push(word.substring(i, i+1));
    while (!stack1.isEmpty()){
    return result;

    //uses recursion to reverse word
    public static String getReverseRecursive(String word)
    if (word.length()==1){return word;}
    return word.substring(word.length()-1,word.length())+getReverseRecursive(word.substring(0,word.length()-1));

}//class String

I believe recursion simplifies code dramatically, at least for me, as long as you understand it. The iterative approach is easier to think about but is more prone to errors.

 public static boolean isPalindrome(String word){
    return word==getReverseRecursive(word);

Ha!... I'm not sure.


I am really really frustrated because it won't let me run the TowersOfHanoi application. I can still do the other implementation and alterations but I can't check that it completley works.....



I didn't really understand this so I got help from classmates.

public void play()

    ArrayStack blue=new ArrayStack(maxPegs);
    ArrayStack green=new ArrayStack(maxPegs);
    ArrayStack yellow=new ArrayStack(maxPegs);

    int difficulty; 
    SimpleInput inputDifficulty = new SimpleInput();
    difficulty=inputDifficulty.getInt("How many disks would you like?");

    for (int i=0;i<difficulty;i++)
        disk temp=new disk(20,100-(i*10),0+(i*5),180-(i*20),"red",true);


    while(!(blue.isEmpty() && green.isEmpty()))
        char from, to;
        SimpleInput moveCharacter = new SimpleInput();
        from = moveCharacter.getChar("from: b=blue, g=green, y=yellow");
        to = moveCharacter.getChar("to: b=blue, g=green, y=yellow");

        disk carry=null;
        boolean valid = false;
        while (!valid)
        switch (from) 
            case 'b': carry=(disk)blue.pop(); valid = true; break;
            case 'g': carry=(disk)green.pop(); valid = true; break;
            case 'y': carry=(disk)yellow.pop(); valid = true; break;
            default : System.out.println("error, try again");

        boolean nextValid = false;
        while (!nextValid)
        switch (to)
        case 'b': if (blue.isEmpty() || carry.getWidth()<((disk)blue.peekTop()).getWidth())
          blue.push(carry); nextValid = true; break;
        System.out.println("Cannot put bigger disk on smaller disk");
        case 'g': if (green.isEmpty() || carry.getWidth()<((disk)green.peekTop()).getWidth())
                        green.push(carry); nextValid = true; break;
        System.out.println("Cannot put bigger disk on smaller disk");
            case 'y': if (yellow.isEmpty() || carry.getWidth()<((disk)yellow.peekTop()).getWidth())
                        yellow.push(carry); nextValid = true; break;
            System.out.println("Cannot put bigger disk on smaller disk");
            default : System.out.println("error, try again"); 

    }//while(main loop)

    System.out.println("Well Done");


I have NO idea how to implement the algorithm i found online (which I believe is correct) into a solve method. 

Everything worked perfectly, for (a/0) I just got an error, as expected.

Worked fine, it returned false.

I honestly don't know how to start this. I looked at my classmate's work for this and it's not that I don't understand the syntax.. this time im having trouble with the logic.

You would need to change every int in your code into into double, besides ofcourse for the int i =... in loops.

switch (operator)
                case '+': result=operand1+operand2; break;
                case '*': result=operand1*operand2; break;
                case '/': {if (operand1==0) {System.out.println("can't divide by 0");return 0;} result=operand2/operand1; break;}
                case '-': result=operand2-operand1; break;

I have a few ideas of how to approach this, however I am really running out of time. This is something for me to come back to hopefully sometime this week.

Finally. I caught up.

יום ראשון, 2 באוקטובר 2011

The CatchUp- Part 1

I went back to my previous post and attempted the last exercise and noticed how simple it was. I therefore managed to successfully modify LinkedListTest_Application to incorporate the new methods I made before.
Here's my recursiveFind method. Wasn't a problem at all.

public ListNode recursiveFind(ListNode list, Object goal){
 if (goal.toString().compareTo(list.getData().toString()) == 0){return list;}
 if (list.getData().toString().compareTo(goal.toString()) == 1){return null;}
 return recursiveFind(list.getNext(), goal);

Here is my recursive Length method.  Not a problem either.

public int recursiveListSize(ListNode list){
int count = 0;
if (list.getData()==null
{return count;}
{count++;}{return recursiveListSize(list.getNext());}

for 3_8 I couldn't think of a good way to approach this. The only thing i thought of doing was doing a count, putting the data on an array and then printing that backwards, but I felt like that was somewhat, cheap.

CircularListNodes wasn't tough, it was pretty straight forward. I have it coded on my Eclipse workspace.
3_11 Having an end node complicates it for me and I get confused however it saves you a bunch of coding lines which you can ignore, but I would prefer writing those lines rather than to get confused.

All I want to say at this stage is that a DoubleList is something beautiful and I wish I knew about it earlier.

3_12-3_14 I did, but I wish there were more specifications so I could know if my  method is right or wrong.


Mr Daly - I would just like to say that I spent about 10 minutes trying to fix your spelling mistakes in your code which gave me errors. It drove me mad.

I am now on 3_16 and can't keep my eyes open, I will continue my catchup mission tomorrow.